Education, the foundation of development


Beyond allowing the child to freely build a future, education is the foundation of sustainable development. However, this right to education has been particularly threatened since the beginning of the health and economic crisis.

258 million children still do not have access to school in the world . Yet, as we know, education is one of the most effective means of combating poverty, improving health, advancing gender equality and ensuring peace and stability.

Education improves health and nutrition

Education has a direct impact on reducing infant mortality and on access to a balanced and suitable diet:

A child born to a mother who can read and write is twice as likely to survive after the age of 5. Similarly, the risk of early pregnancy for women who have attended school is greatly reduced.

Education reduces poverty and contributes to the stability of the country

Education allows the child to fit into the local socio-economic fabric and to access a stable and lasting job. It stimulates productivity, innovation and entrepreneurship.

A quality education contributes to a better understanding of the political and economic issues of a country and allows everyone to get involved in society and to support the evolution of a country towards economic development and political stability . Adults who have been educated are better able to understand the importance of sending their children to school and will thus become agents of change, gradually ending the generational cycles of poverty and illiteracy within their society.If all children in low-income countries could read and write, poverty would decrease by 12%.

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Education promotes gender equality

Education plays a vital role in promoting equality and empowerment of women . A girl who completes primary school is half as likely to be married and have children early.

An additional year of schooling for a girl translates into an increase in her income of 15 to 20%.

Education: at the heart of France Parrainages’ priorities

Convinced of the major role of education in the world, France Parrainages has been fighting for this fundamental right for more than 75 years. In the 15 countries where we operate, access to education for all  is one of our priorities.

In 2021, more than 18,000 children benefited from schooling or professional training thanks to sponsorship or our development projects.

France Parrainages is part of the Dynamic “From the Convention to the Acts” , formed on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child by the United Nations. Bringing together more than thirty associations, NGOs and collectives, the Dynamique brings numerous claims related to the rights of the child and in particular the right to education in France and abroad to the public authorities. Discover the acts of the Dynamic “From the Convention to the Acts”.

Focus on our actions in education in Peru

In Peru , where tuition fees are very high, we have carried out projects in recent years to  enable the poorest to have access to school  :

Construction of the secondary school of the “Los Caminantes” educational center near Lima which receives children from the slums

Rehabilitation of the kindergarten and primary school of Jose Galvez

Reconstruction of the Cajamarca school with the creation of classrooms, the canteen and a sports field

Construction and financing of school canteens in Abancay and Talvera

Creation of vocational training workshops in tailoring, sewing and screen printing in Talvera.

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