Complete a short course of study after the baccalaureate

course of study

It is important to know what to do after the baccalaureate , especially to follow higher education . Indeed, whether in general education or in vocational education, there are different possibilities for young graduates.

Short post-baccalaureate studies can be interesting for students wishing to professionalize and quickly enter the job market . Thus, high school graduates can consider a BTS (BTS design, BTS Accounting or even BTS commerce), a DUT (DUT in human resources, DUT in economics and commerce), a professional title or even an additional mention . These short courses offer a BAC+2 level of studies and are highly appreciated by recruiters. By integrating a high school or university institutes of technology IUT, the baccalaureate holders will be able to carry out professional training inhigher , technological or technical education. This will allow them to carry out a professional project in order to benefit in parallel from many advantages.

Vocational training allows first of all to carry out an internship in a company or alternatively training. Thus, students will be able to discover the world of work and carry out their first assignments in order to deepen their professional skills. Holders of a BTS or a DUT, will have a complete training that will be very well seen by future employers. In addition, the choice in terms of short studies to obtain a higher education diploma is quite vast. There are indeed 106 Higher Technician Certificates and 25 specialties for the technology university diploma .

Choosing this path is certainly the guarantee of landing a job in the desired sector without great difficulty. Some branches of activity are currently sorely lacking in manpower, such as construction, industry or IT. The professional side is therefore highlighted in this type of training and is aimed above all at students seeking to quickly become independent by integrating a company.

Complete a long course of study

The pursuit of long studies is also a wise choice to ensure a promising professional career. It is always interesting to deepen your knowledge and your skills by carrying out medium or long studies.

The first path in terms of long studies is that of the universities. These public establishments welcome graduates either by selection or by application. The training offered is very varied since it can be generalist or even professional and technological. It is also important to know that there are more often general baccalaureate holders than those with a professional or technological baccalaureate. Nevertheless, all high school graduates can consider a course of study at a university.

It is also possible to integrate preparatory classes for the Grandes Ecoles in order to be able to integrate them in the best conditions. These specialized schools of higher education can be public or private and recruit by selection. If you opt for this path, you will complete a course of study offering at least a BAC+5 level.

Choose the professional path after the baccalaureate

Baccalaureate holders can therefore opt for the professional path which will offer them a BAC+3 level. To have a quality professional experience, it is preferable to carry out these studies on a work-study basis. It offers many advantages to students by combining theoretical courses and missions to be carried out in a company. The student’s timetable is divided into days spent in school and days spent in the field. In addition, students are remunerated and can thus more easily pay their tuition fees. This path is certainly royal for those who wish to easily enter the labor market after obtaining their higher education diploma. You should know that more than 60%work-study students are employed by the company that recruited them for their training.

Make the choice of an active life

Some graduates do not want to study, whether long or short, after their baccalaureate. They prefer to try to fit directly into working life in order to learn a trade and become more independent. Of course, holders of a professional baccalaureate or a technological baccalaureate have a better chance of finding a job quickly. They have professional skills that are absent from general baccalaureate education.

Administrative management

For the most ambitious and committed, the army also recruits many high school graduates each year, including holders of a professional baccalaureate. The army also finances additional training for young recruits so that they can quickly progress in their professional career.

For holders of a general baccalaureate, finding a job is a little more complicated. However, there are solutions that it is important to know to access the world of work by bringing together the best chances of achieving it.

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